I enrolled for two electives this season: Global strategy and New Venture Creation. Global strategy has been particularly intense with 2 long cases (Mostly Harvard cases ;-)) every class and new venture creation had some innovative deliverables. Global strategy had a final exam worth 30%, 40% class participation and a hand in report worth 30%. Professor Shi-Fen Chen was engaging almost everyone in the class and he has some amazing sense of humour. New venture creation on the other hand had a variety of evaluation components such as reflection paper, top 10 learning list, coffee shop income statement estimation exercise, $7 capital innovation entrepreneurship challenge, etc. Overall, I found myself amazed with the variety of topics covered in the 4 week period.
Topics Covered:
Global Strategy – Why companies go global?, Drawbacks of Multinational enterprises, comparative analyses of various entry mode choices such as exports, licensing, joint ventures, wholly owned subsidiaries and acquisitions, pre-requisites and processes for internationalization, Prof Raymond Vernon's Cycle theory, evolving mentality: international to multinational to global to transnational, creating worldwide innovation and learning centres, technology licensing, contract manufacturing, direct investments, Original equipment manufacturer(OEM), single party manufacturing, contractual co-marketing, single party manufacturing, arm’s length co-marketing, extension of internationalization theory, long-run sustainability of internationalization, culture, ecology framework, competition and legal environment, Value Chain Environment Analysis, Responding to conflicts in environmental forces, Developing transnational strategies: Building layers of competitive advantage, Developing a transnational organization: Managing integration, responsiveness and flexibility, financial and hierarchical control, managing organizational structures, HQ Subsidiary relations, Handling expatriates, international structural stages model, integrated network model, decentralized federation, coordinated federation and centralized hub, managing accounting records, managing human resources, financing the expansions abroad, currency risks, implementing global strategy in terms of Global business management, Worldwide functional management, Geographic subsidiary management and Top level corporate management, exchange of trades and international business ethics.
New Venture Creation – opportunity recognition, green venturing, social entrepreneurship, business models, management practises, venture creation, venturing with friends and family, finance and corporate venturing. I’ve had some interesting learning during the period of the course and I am including my innovation challenge reflection paper and the top 10 learning list in this post.

Innovation challenge Reflection paper Google Docs download link
Reflection Paper

Top 10 learning list Google Docs download link
Top 10 Learning List


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