Trust me, the wait between the offer of admission and start of MBA is much tough to bear with than the wait for securing an admission.

Looking forward to experiencing an Ivey day like this...

7:45 A.M.
It starts early! Students arrive prior to the beginning of class to grab a coffee and review notes on the day’s case. It promises to be a lively discussion and everyone wants to be fully prepared to participate. The fact that cases discussed and debated in class actually happened and are focused around real business issues makes the experience relevant. The four-hour classes alternate between morning and afternoon sessions, but the days are always full with case preparation, career management events, group work, social activities and, of course, personal time.

8:00 A.M. to Noon

Class begins. Today’s Cross-Enterprise Case involves the acquisition of a North American firm by a Chinese firm. Professor Jim Hatch leads off the session with a discussion on valuing mergers and acquisitions. The time flies by as he examines relative valuation and discounted cash flow methods, and reviews the spreadsheet assignment from the day before. Professor Mary Crossan joins the class and promptly asks: “What’s the value proposition of the Chinese firm versus the North American firm? What’s your strategic plan going forward?” As the various strategic options are vigorously discussed and debated by the class, out of the blue, one of the study groups is asked to present their plan to bring these companies together. The group’s spokesperson stands and delivers and the group proceeds to defend their decisions as the class engages in a thorough dissection of the impact of cultural differences and the vital role of proactive change management. You quickly come to realize the pressures and demands that come with leading an enterprise. Both professors offer their final thoughts on the case before wrapping up the session.

Noon to 1:00 P.M.
Information Sessions to attend. People to meet. The pace doesn’t let up. Interested students head off to a corporate recruiter information session with a well-known consulting firm. Afterwards, students have a valuable opportunity to meet and mingle with the firm’s hiring team.

1:00 to 2:00 P.M.
Lunch and Mingle. No strangers to multitasking, students take this brief interlude to grab lunch and reconvene as a team to compare notes and discuss the next group assignment. They can also take the opportunity to talk with the professors to clarify some points made in class.

2:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Workshops, clubs, and workouts. In the go-go-go atmosphere of the Ivey MBA program, this two-hour window is a valuable opportunity to attend to individual priorities. Some attend a Career Management resume-writing workshop while others meet with their industry Relationship Manager. Members of the Finance Club gather as a few head for the gym downstairs for a workout.

4:00 to 7:30 P.M.
Back to the books. Check out potential career opportunities… or just unwind. Students meet in learning teams to discuss tomorrow’s case, make decisions, and develop their plan of action. A prominent investment bank is hosting a corporate information session as a way for students to get to know them and vice versa. Corporations regularly seek out Ivey graduates because of the added value they bring to their organizations. Interested students make a point of attending to assess the potential opportunities. For students who have nothing scheduled or who just want to unwind, there is one of many regular social events where there will be plenty of good food, music and fun.

7:30 to 9:30 P.M.
One last corporate information session for the day. A leading consumer packaged goods firm is dropping in for a visit…. Students are learning just how valuable an Ivey MBA is in the marketplace. Afterwards, students head home to get themselves ready for the next day. Assignments are completed and cases are reviewed. Or if it’s Friday, relax! They’ve earned it.

***Found this in the Ivey MBA brochure


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